What is Decentral Games and how to play and earn? Everything you need to know

Discover Decentral Games - a virtual reality metaverse where you can play, earn, and socialize. Explore how to get started and immerse yourself in this innovative gaming platform.

Apr 29, 2024 - 13:07
May 4, 2024 - 11:11
What is Decentral Games and how to play and earn? Everything you need to know
Decentral Games

What is Decentral Games?

The convergence of gaming and the Metaverse is revolutionizing the gaming industry, particularly in the realm of play-to-earn gaming. Decentral Games stands out as a prominent player in this evolving landscape.

Decentral Games serves as a social gaming Metaverse where individuals have the opportunity to earn tokens through various games like poker, blackjack, roulette, and slots. Recently, the platform has launched its beta version, granting users access to these games. ICE Poker, a new addition, introduces a novel method for players to earn actual money by completing daily challenges and engaging in competitive free-to-play poker matches.

ICE, the in-game currency and free play play-to-earn token within the Decentral Games ecosystem, incentivizes liquidity among metaverse poker players.

Decentral Games presents three primary avenues for players to receive rewards based on their participation in the gaming sphere.

How to play and earn?

Similar to many play-to-earn models, the game's objective is to compensate players with tokens and NFTs, alongside the prize pool available when users compete against each other.

To engage, players must acquire an exclusive ICE NFT wearable through purchase or delegation. This automatically grants the player a certain amount of chips required for poker gameplay.

Players can primarily earn through the following methods:

  1. Completing daily check-ins and three challenges in ICE Poker.
  2. Competing for daily leaderboard multipliers based on net winnings in chips.
  3. Delegating NFT wearables to other players for a passive revenue share, akin to staking.
  4. Receiving delegation of NFT wearables for a revenue share.
  5. Crafting new NFT wearables and vending them on the marketplace.
  6. Acquiring and speculating on rare DG Diamond Hands wearables.
  7. Mining ICE for sale to other players, necessary for minting rarer NFT wearables.

Engaging in these activities promises substantial rewards.


As previously noted, users have the option to create new wearables and assign them to other participants, all while receiving a share of their earnings.

Additionally, staking the DG token in liquidity pools offers the opportunity to earn up to a 40% annual percentage yield (APY).

DAO governance 

By engaging in governance staking, individuals can actively participate in the decision-making processes within the gaming ecosystem. Essentially, this role mirrors that of "being the house" in a casino, granting control over profits, voting rights on new game developments, and shaping the future direction of the gaming ecosystem.

Currently, active games within the ecosystem include Blackjack, Roulette, and Poker, with Slots slated for future release.

The gaming ecosystem hosts its own NFT marketplace, facilitating the exchange of wearables for tokens among users. Furthermore, it enables direct access to OpenSea from the platform's website, ensuring a seamless and universal experience for users.

This burgeoning gaming space holds significant promise, particularly given its appeal within the Metaverse. It is poised for expansion into additional gaming realms in the near future.

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