Most crypto tax-friendly countries in 2024: A guide for newby investors

Governments worldwide are contending with the task of regulating cryptocurrencies as this evolving asset class gains traction and acceptance.

Mar 5, 2024 - 10:38
May 4, 2024 - 12:42
Most crypto tax-friendly countries in 2024: A guide for newby investors
crypto currency tax environments

Governments worldwide are contending with the task of regulating cryptocurrencies as this evolving asset class gains traction and acceptance. One specific aspect of cryptocurrency regulation under scrutiny is tax compliance. While tax regulations concerning cryptocurrencies vary significantly among countries, some nations stand out as particularly accommodating to crypto investors and traders.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Renowned for its zero percent income tax on all investments, Dubai has positioned itself as a burgeoning hub for the cryptocurrency market. In 2022, the city implemented the Dubai Virtual Asset Regulation Law and established the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA), providing a comprehensive legal framework for regulating businesses dealing with virtual assets, including cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). As part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Dubai does not impose personal income or capital gains taxes on individual investors, making it an attractive destination for those seeking to optimize tax obligations on income and capital gains from crypto investments.

El Salvador

In 2021, El Salvador, the pioneer in adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, has instituted a cryptocurrency tax system aimed at attracting foreign investment through substantial incentives. Notably, the country exempts foreign investors from taxes on profits generated from Bitcoin investments. This implies that individuals holding assets in Bitcoin can realize significant profits without being subject to capital gains or income taxes in El Salvador. Additionally, businesses nationwide are mandated to accept BTC as payment, and the country offers a residency visa with a pathway to citizenship for those investing $1 million in the economy through Bitcoin or USDT, limited to 1,000 participants annually.


As a global hub for digital innovation and tech start-ups, Singapore is recognized as one of the most crypto-friendly countries worldwide. The absence of a capital gains tax means that individual investors are not required to pay taxes on profits from cryptocurrency sales. However, if digital asset transactions are conducted as a business activity, the resulting profits are subject to income tax. Furthermore, digital payment tokens are exempt from Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Singapore. Nevertheless, individuals and businesses are obligated to report their crypto-related income within their tax returns, categorizing transactions as exchanges for money, goods, services, or investment capital gains.


A sought-after destination for crypto investors seeking tax-friendly jurisdictions, Malaysia does not impose taxes on long-term capital gains from any investment, including cryptocurrency. Value-added tax (VAT) is also not applicable to crypto trading.

Nevertheless, cryptocurrency becomes subject to taxation if used in business or trading transactions. Revenue gains from the disposal of digital currency are taxable, while capital gains remain untaxed. Active crypto trading is considered a taxable business activity, with profits taxed in a manner similar to stock trading.


Known as the "Crypto Valley" for its enthusiastic promotion of blockchain technology, Switzerland offers a conducive environment for crypto-related innovations.

Private investors in Switzerland are exempt from capital gains tax on profits generated from cryptocurrency transactions, provided they meet specific criteria, such as holding onto their crypto assets for more than six months and refraining from professional trading activities. However, certain crypto activities may be subject to income and wealth taxes under specific conditions. For example, ordinary income taxes apply to mining rewards, staking rewards, and airdrops. If crypto activities are classified as part of business wealth, the resulting profits are taxable, and losses can be deducted.


Dubbed "Blockchain Island," Malta is renowned for its crypto-friendly stance, offering various tax incentives to boost investment in sectors like manufacturing, information technology, and biotechnology. These incentives encompass tax credits and deductions on eligible expenditures.

In Malta, there is no long-term capital gains tax for cryptocurrency holdings. However, trading cryptocurrency may be considered income and taxed at a maximum rate of 35%.

Puerto Rico

Offering a distinctive tax environment, particularly advantageous for US citizens, Puerto Rico's special status as a US territory provides unique benefits for crypto investors.

One key aspect is Act 22, now integrated into Act 60, designed to attract individual investors to the island by offering a 0% tax rate on capital gains for new Puerto Rican residents. However, to avoid capital gains, all crypto assets must be earned and disposed of in Puerto Rico. If acquired while residing in the continental United States, users will be liable for U.S. capital gains tax.


While Germany does not offer complete tax exemption for crypto activities, its tax regulations are notably favorable for long-term holders.

In particular, individuals holding digital assets for over a year before selling them face no taxation, regardless of the amount earned. Even for Bitcoin sales within a year, capital gains tax is only applied if the amount exceeds 600 euros.

Businesses engaged in crypto trading are subject to corporate income tax, treated similarly to the purchase and sale of any other commodity.


Belarus, situated in Europe, has embraced crypto investors with accommodating regulations. In 2018, the country introduced Decree No. 8, "On the Development of Digital Economy," treating cryptocurrency mining, buying, and selling as personal investments exempt from tax until 2025, applicable to both individuals and businesses.

Currently, there is no income tax, capital gains tax, or corporate tax on crypto activities in Belarus, encompassing profits generated from crypto-related endeavors.

Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands is recognized as a tax haven, celebrated for its advantageous tax regulations catering to individuals and businesses, including those engaged in cryptocurrency endeavors.

In the Cayman Islands, residents and businesses are not subjected to direct taxes. There are no income taxes, capital gains taxes, corporation taxes, or withholding taxes applicable to individuals or companies, irrespective of whether their income is generated locally or internationally.

However, it's crucial to note that the Cayman Islands is associated with a high cost of living. Additionally, there are other concealed expenses tied to residing in the region, encompassing licensing fees for vehicles or businesses and import duties on items shipped from overseas.

The global landscape of crypto taxation exhibits substantial diversity, with certain countries positioning themselves as havens for crypto investors by adopting favorable tax policies. Destinations like El Salvador, Dubai, Singapore, Switzerland, and Malta have established comprehensive legal frameworks and tax-friendly atmospheres, making them appealing choices for individuals seeking to optimize returns on their crypto investments.

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