How to use AI tools to improve quality of internet searches? Fully explained

Google, a pioneer in adopting AI for search, currently processes an estimated 80 percent of the world's internet search requests.

Mar 4, 2024 - 12:03
May 9, 2024 - 16:17
How to use AI tools to improve quality of internet searches? Fully explained
AI tools

Internet search firms have already integrated artificial intelligence (AI) tools into their platforms, and the use of AI to support online searches is expected to experience significant growth in the upcoming years.

While some tech experts anticipate that this shift can significantly enhance the overall search experience for users, there are also concerns raised by experts.

Google, a pioneer in adopting AI for search, currently processes an estimated 80 percent of the world's internet search requests. Microsoft's Bing search engine also incorporates AI-driven results, with its AI system connected to the company's Copilot service. Copilot, utilizing OpenAI's ChatGPT launched in late 2022, is an AI tool designed to function seamlessly across various Microsoft business products, interacting effectively with humans.

AI tools, commonly referred to as 'chatbots' or 'generative AI,' undergo training using extensive internet data. They have exhibited capabilities such as human-level writing and generating high-quality images and videos based on brief written descriptions.

However, these AI systems have also showcased potential risks. One concern is their tendency to present inaccurate or misleading information as factual. Additionally, there is a risk of these tools generating results that perpetuate long-standing biases against minorities or underrepresented communities.

In light of these challenges, we provide recommendations for users in search of new systems to ensure enhanced and pertinent search results.

Where can I locate AI search tools?

Several prominent search companies have streamlined the process of accessing AI search engines directly from their primary search pages.

Google, for instance, features its Gemini chatbot tool as the powerhouse behind its search system. Users can easily access Gemini on both desktop and mobile browsers. Gemini not only aids in searches but also performs various chatbot functions.

Google is also in the testing phase of a new search offering known as the "Search Generative Experience." This innovation replaces traditional links with AI-generated briefs containing fundamental facts about a particular subject. Currently, this system is limited to users in the United States who register through Google's experimental Labs site."

To use AI with Microsoft’s Bing search engine, simply click the Chat or Copilot button underneath the main search window. This should pull up an information box where users can enter their search requests.

New AI search sites have also launched. But they are not as easy to find. The Associated Press reports one way to find them is to perform searches for tools on Copilot or Gemini. Some to look out for include Perplexity, HuggingChat,, Komo, Andi, Phind, Exa and AskAI.

Is there a sign-up or payment requirement for these services?

The majority of these services offer free versions, although there are typically restrictions on the number of searches allowed. Users also have the option to upgrade from basic services to more advanced levels, providing access to more intelligent AI tools and expanded search capabilities.

For instance, Gemini users can opt for an upgraded version priced at $20, which provides access to its "most capable" model, known as Ultra 1.0.

Many startup sites are predominantly free to use and do not necessitate user account setups. Additionally, several of these platforms offer potential upgrades for users.

How do the outcomes compare?

In contrast to a conventional Google search, outcomes from AI tools typically present a more extensive and readable compilation of information. Occasionally, the original information source is provided. Some AI tools also incorporate messages to caution users about potential misinformation within the results.

Experimenting with various AI tools is advisable, as outcomes can vary significantly. According to the AP, AI-assisted search tools can be particularly valuable when seeking less common facts or information.

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