Keep your domains and hosting unified

Choose a reliable provider for your domain and hosting needs! Enjoy seamless management, excellent support, and dependable performance in one place.

Jul 12, 2024 - 12:21
Jul 15, 2024 - 09:17
Keep your domains and hosting unified
For a new website, you need both a domain (your site’s address) and hosting (where your content is stored).

For a new website, you need both a domain (your site’s address) and hosting (where your content is stored). But where should you get these services?

Some people prefer to use different companies for each, but that’s not always the ideal choice. In this article, we’ll explore why selecting a single provider for your domain and website hosting is usually a better option.

The myth about domains and hosting

If you ask friends or browse online forums, you might hear that it’s best to keep your domain registrar and hosting separate, using different companies for each. However, this is a common misconception.

Here are some key benefits of using the same provider for both services:

  • Single point of contact: Simplifies communication.
  • Unified management: Handle both domain and hosting from one account.
  • Coordinated support: Get assistance for both products in one place.
  • Easier DNS management: Streamlined DNS settings.
  • Reduced provider confusion: No need to juggle between companies.

So, why do some people suggest separating these services?

This idea originated from a time when domain registrars primarily focused on domains. Two decades ago, many new companies emerged, struggling to meet demand while managing costs, which often led to over-promising and under-delivering. Finding a reliable provider was challenging.

Moreover, many registrars that offered hosting treated it as a secondary service, often lacking the necessary investments in hardware, security, and support for dependable hosting. Customers faced difficulties if they wanted to switch to a better hosting provider due to inadequate service.

Today, however, the tech landscape is much more stable, and these issues are largely resolved (similar to how the tag has disappeared from most websites). Web professionals now understand there’s no risk in registering your domain with the same company that provides your hosting.

Keep your domains and hosting together

Instead of searching for two separate companies for your domain and hosting, why not focus on finding the best single provider for your website? Here are some additional reasons why this approach makes more sense.


Using one provider for both domain and hosting simplifies management. With all your website services in one place, updating settings, renewing services, and resolving issues is much easier. You’ll avoid juggling multiple interfaces and logins.

Seamless integration

When you choose a single provider, the integration between your domain and hosting is typically much smoother. This leads to quicker setup times, as the connection between the two accounts is more direct, and DNS management becomes much simpler.

Technical support

Having both your domain and hosting with the same provider means you can rely on one point of contact for technical support. The support team will have a comprehensive understanding of your entire setup, allowing for faster and more efficient troubleshooting.

Compatibility and optimization

Many hosting providers offer optimizations or features specifically designed for their own domain services. Keeping them together allows you to leverage these enhancements, resulting in better performance, security, and compatibility between your domain and hosting.

Billing and renewals

Managing billing and renewals is much more straightforward when both your domain and hosting are with the same provider. You’ll receive consolidated invoices and reminders, making the payment process easier and reducing the risk of service interruptions from missed renewals.

Selecting a trusted and reliable provider

A quick search will reveal that most major hosting providers also offer domain registration services. However, with so many choices available, picking the right one can be challenging.

Here are four essential questions to consider when choosing a hosting provider.

1. How does the provider manage its servers?

Every website, email, online game, and mobile app is hosted on a server somewhere in the world. It’s important to understand how your hosting provider manages their servers, especially with shared hosting, which is a popular option for smaller sites.

Does the company overcrowd servers with too many accounts, leading to downtime and outages, or do they prioritize quality service for all hosting plans, even the most affordable ones?

For monitoring, we use onboard cards with spare parts available on-site, as well as same-day or next-day replacements from our vendors. We adhere to best practices in security and network protection.

While we host a large number of accounts, we provide real-time data to optimize server loading. Unlike other providers who cut costs by overloading hardware, we maintain a balanced approach by only loading servers with half the accounts of our competitors. As our customer base grows, we add new servers to maintain optimal performance.

2. Does the hosting provider use a data center?

All hosting providers should have their servers located in at least one data center, which includes services for registry interaction, DNS, email, databases, and hosting.

We exclusively utilize top-tier data centers, specifically Tier 3 or higher. These facilities are equipped with fully redundant power systems, environmental controls, and physical security, all situated in areas with low risk for natural disasters.

We implement redundant power for all our shared hosting servers, meaning each server has two or more physical power supplies. We’ve never faced a power issue with either our primary or backup feeds, but to ensure extra reliability, each server is connected to two separate power distribution systems and is supported by battery backups and generators.

When selecting our data centers, we prioritize:

  • Multiple cable paths into the building, with several bandwidth carriers on-site.
  • Availability of fuel for onsite generators in case of a power outage.
  • Onsite cold water storage to maintain environmental cooling if the main water supply is disrupted.
  • Reliable contracts for the timely delivery of essential power supplies.

3. What is the hosting provider’s network like?

To effectively deliver content to a global audience, a reliable hosting provider needs a fast and robust network that connects all its data centers. This network should accommodate natural usage growth and traffic spikes while providing strong protection against DDoS and other attacks.

A high-quality network involves multiple providers, ensuring continuous service even if part of the network experiences issues. It should also utilize top-tier network hardware, including routers, switches, and firewalls.

Some hosting providers opt to rent network capacity or bandwidth from their server providers to cut costs. However, has developed its own network, allowing for seamless switching to different servers when one becomes unavailable.

Our network consists of multiple routers, each equipped with several routing engines and power supplies, creating a robust network mesh. As a result, we’ve maintained a 100% network uptime for an extended period.

Additionally, we have established our own system to defend against DDoS attacks.

4. What about customer support?

Some hosting providers outsource their technical support, which often leads to staff who are unfamiliar with the products and less motivated to deliver quality service. This can result in unresolved bugs, errors, and user issues not being communicated effectively.

We take a different approach. We manage our own 24/7 support team and hire top talent to assist customers throughout their entire experience. Our customer support team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring every issue is fully resolved.

We have specialized support teams for domains, hosting services, and SSL, with each team possessing in-depth knowledge of their respective products. Additionally, our teams are divided into three levels: Levels 1 and 2 handle customer inquiries related to sales, technical issues, and general questions, while Level 3 focuses on operations, research, and development.

With our training approach, you're much more likely to speak to an expert who can assist you with various issues rather than being transferred between departments.

The outcome? Our team consistently provides an exceptionally high level of customer support.

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