Fetch.AI review: A fundamental analysis

Explore a review of Fetch.AI, a decentralized AI-powered platform transforming digital economies.

May 3, 2024 - 15:07
May 28, 2024 - 17:43
Fetch.AI review: A fundamental analysis
Fetch.AI is an innovative AI protocol utilizing blockchain technology and a Proof of Work consensus mechanism

Our Verdict

Our Verdict

Fetch.AI is a decentralized machine learning platform designed to bring autonomous "agents" to the blockchain. These agents can perform tasks, communicate, and transact without human intervention, facilitating a new era of intelligent digital economics. Fetch.AI leverages advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed ledger technology (DLT), to create a more efficient and automated digital economy.

like Pros

  • Decentralization
  • Token Utility (FET)
  • Interoperability
  • Machine learning integration
  • Autonomous Economic Agents (AEAs)

dislike Cons

  • Regulatory uncertainty
  • Market competition
  • Adoption and scalability
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Current price


Machine learning integration


Autonomous Economic Agents (AEAs)

Fetch.AI enables the creation and deployment

Understanding Fetch.AI (FET)

Fetch.AI is an innovative AI protocol utilizing blockchain technology and a Proof of Work consensus mechanism. The Fetch.AI blockchain, based on Cosmos-SDK, features a WASM-based smart contract language, enabling it to function as a layer 2 network for existing blockchains and an inter-chain bridge. Fetch.AI's ecosystem integrates IoT and algorithms, facilitating effective collaboration among various entities. Founded in 2017 in Cambridge, UK, Fetch-ai Network raised $69 million on Binance Launchpad in 2019 and launched its mainnet v2 in 2021 with 30 validators. Operating as an inter-chain protocol, Fetch.ai's native token is available on Ethereum and BNB Chain. The blockchain employs a combination of proof-of-stake and proof-of-work consensus mechanisms.

Technology structure

To address the issues at hand, Fetch.AI presents a technological remedy known as the Three Layers. This configuration comprises three elements:

Smart Ledger

At the core of Fetch.AI's digital realm lies the Smart Ledger, a foundational element combining various mechanisms such as Useful Proof of Work (uPoW), Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), and Proof of Stake (PoS). Notably, Smart Ledger facilitates a marketplace for AI and ML services previously inaccessible due to centralization. This enables swift and efficient access to data for individuals, organizations, and entities. The developer team claims that Smart Ledger can significantly enhance transaction speeds to millions of transactions per second.

Open Economic Framework (OEF)

The Open Economic Framework (OEF) serves as the connecting infrastructure for AEAs. It comprises two node types: Trustless and Trusted. Trustless Nodes function anonymously, akin to ledger nodes, while Trusted Nodes access information within AEAs. Operators of these nodes must possess public identities and be endorsed by the Fetch.AI Foundation.

Autonomous Economic Agents (AEA)

Within Fetch.AI's digital ecosystem, Autonomous Economic Agents (AEAs) operate independently, without human intervention. These AEAs represent various entities, including individuals, devices, and services interconnected within the Fetch.AI (FET) network. Motivated by the FET token, these AEAs collaborate and contribute to the network's economy, fostering interaction and cooperation under human oversight.

What issue does Fetch.AI (FET) aim to address?

Fetch.AI presents a compelling initiative aimed at enhancing various aspects of daily life, including transportation, mobility, infrastructure, and energy management. By reducing reliance on human intervention, its platform facilitates smoother operations across these sectors.

With the recent launch of V1.0, Fetch introduces a platform for creating mobile services based on multiple agents. As an open-source suite, it offers accessibility to all, enabling the development of autonomous AI travel agents. These agents streamline interactions between service providers and consumers, cutting costs for both parties. Notably, Fetch's innovative solutions address urban mobility challenges like parking scarcity. In smart cities, Fetch can locate nearby parking spaces, reserve them, and thus simplify parking logistics. Additionally, Fetch extends its impact to commodity trading, facilitating access to market data while upholding market efficiency and security.

Fetch's collective learning component enhances medical processes by enabling doctors to collaborate on diagnoses and expedite patient care without compromising data privacy. In essence, Fetch.AI transcends mere blockchain endeavors, focusing more on IoT and AI integration to address real-world challenges. With its long-term vision and versatile applications, Fetch.AI stands out as a commendable venture in both technology and practical utility.

Overview of the FET Token

The FET token within the Fetch.AI ecosystem serves several functions:

  • It enables participation in staking for transaction verification and system operation.
  • It facilitates value exchange between agents within the ecosystem.
  • It acts as a means to pay gas costs, similar to Ethereum.
  • It is employed in developing algorithms on AI and ML.
  • It provides access to the Fetch.AI ecosystem.
  • It serves as rewards for node miners who verify transactions.
  • It is utilized during interactions and searches using Fetch.AI's tools.

Details about the FET token are as follows:

Token name Fetch.AI token
Blockchain Ethereum
Ticker FET
Decimal 18
Smart contract adress 0x1d287cc25dad7ccaf76a26bc660c5f7c8e2a05bd
Token standart ERC20 standard (original)
Token type Utility token
Token supply 1,152,997,575 FET
Circulating supply 818,912,300 FET

Potential investment opportunities associated with FET tokens

1. Trend AI has gained significant traction in recent times, with major companies such as Microsoft and Google investing heavily in the industry following the launch of ChatGPT. Tron (TRX) also allocated a $100 million fund for AI projects, signaling growing interest from blockchain platforms. This trend is expected to drive growth in AI coins, with Fetch.AI (FET) emerging as a prominent player.

2. Fetch.AI is viewed favorably by blockchain experts due to its fixed total supply and robust tokenomics mechanism, which effectively resists token inflation. With a limited total supply of 1,152,997,575 FET tokens, the price of FET is anticipated to appreciate over time, provided that demand for the token remains steady.

3. The project extends beyond traditional blockchain applications by focusing on real-world scenarios in fields such as transportation, energy, and supply chains. With a long-term vision and strong technological capabilities, Fetch.AI is positioned for widespread adoption and application across various industries.

4. Fetch.AI has garnered significant support, raising over $69 million through Binance Launchpad, one of the most reputable fundraising platforms in the market. Additionally, the project has forged numerous partnerships and research collaborations, signaling its credibility and potential for future growth.

5. The project has addressed previous concerns regarding transparency and openness, enhancing its reputation and anticipation within the market. Fetch.AI is now considered one of the most promising projects in the industry.

6. Fetch.AI boasts an experienced team proficient in AI and machine learning, with a strong emphasis on technological development. The project's technical focus and expertise suggest promising advancements in technology and innovation.

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